
Drug Addiction Facts

  • About 1 in 6 marijuana users who begin using the drug in their teens will develop dependence to the drug.
  • Prescription stimulant drugs are amphetamine drugs, primarily with the active ingredient methylphenidate, known under the brand names Adderall, Ritalin and Concerta.
  • Studies indicate that people who are dependent on alcohol are significantly more likely than the general population to use drugs.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

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Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Substance abuse treatment services are available in many different settings with various treatment lengths and plans to accommodate the varying needs of clients with any kind of and level of addiction. With both short and long term and both inpatient and residential programs now being covered by many insurance companies, there's no need to postpone getting substance abuse treatment services for anybody who needs it.


Outpatient solutions are on the low end of the spectrum of rehab solutions in terms of level of care, as the individual is able to preserve their lifestyle in many ways without the commitment of having to stay in a treatment center while receiving rehab services. Although this might seem ideal it may not provide the much needed change of atmosphere than many people in rehabilitation need to have a successful rehabilitation.


When adolescents become involved in any sort of substance abuse, it is essential that they receive quality care to halt the situation in its tracks so that it doesn't worsen and maybe jeopardize their future. Because adolescent drug use which continues often continues into adulthood, parents must stay astute and get their adolescent rehabilitation as soon as a problem is observed in a center which addresses adolescent drug use. Many facilities which treat adolescents offer both inpatient and residential treatment, that has been shown to be the very best environments for rehab clients of this age.

Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders

Individuals with co-occurring mental and substance abuse issues are what are recognized in the field of drug and alcohol treatment as dual diagnosis clients. These clients must tackle both disorders during rehab to find resolution due to the fact one often exacerbates the other. Fortunately, there are numerous drug rehabilitation centers who are able to specifically hone in on the problems that persons with co-occurring mental and drug use issues face in order to not just become sober but mentally secure and also able to lead a much better quality lifestyle and never want to self medicate with alcohol and drugs.

Persons With HIV/AIDS

Persons with HIV/AIDS who are in need of substance abuse rehabilitation will very often need services beyond what a traditional drug rehab center can deliver. Simply because extensive medical solutions tend to be a key aspect of the physical process of healing for addicts with HIV/AIDS, who likely have experienced a progression and worsening of the disease because of their habit, it is crucial that these clients receive the medical care needed in conjunction with any rehab solutions for their drug abuse problem.

Gays and Lesbians

It is vital that gays and lesbians obtain quality treatment services within a rehab environment that is discreet and has treatment professionals available to them who understand the distinctive problems that they can have to deal with in life. Because drug use for gays and lesbians is sometimes triggered by the challenges they face because of their sexual preference, a facility that can help them resolve these issues and give them the confidence that they've lacked before arriving in rehabilitation is usually a crucial aspect of rehabilitation for gay and lesbian clients.

Seniors/Older Adults

Seniors and older adults who have trouble with drug use could have unique challenges they have to conquer during treatment, which rehabilitation professionals within the program they elect to be a part of must be keen of in order that a full recovery is possible. So for seniors and older adults, it is prudent to decide on a rehab that is familiar with helping seniors and older adults handle the unique life and substance abuse issues that these clients face which can include a wider spectrum of services including medical care and the like.

Pregnant/Postpartum Women

Pregnant and postpartum women don't just need help from a quality treatment for their own health and wellbeing but in addition for the wellbeing unborn child or for the kid they've delivered who needs to be appropriately taken care of as they become rehabilitated and in turn able to be a better mother. Rehab opportunities exist that provide them as well as their child the appropriate healthcare services while also ensuring they receive the treatment they need to become abstinent and be able to stay that way to be the very best parent they can be.


Women require quality rehabilitation in rehab but may also require special attention to the distinctive challenges they face because of their gender. Males and females not only face different and unique challenges in everyday life because of gender, but in addition may abuse drugs and alcohol for very different reasons. drug rehab centers which cater to women and the specific and unique needs that women face can help enormously on a women's path to long term sobriety and a higher standard of living.


Similar to how women and men face varying and unique challenges in daily life which can be specific to their gender, men and women might also encounter unique challenges in rehab that are gender-specific, which explains why a program designed specifically with these special needs and obstacles at heart can be be extremely helpful for someone searching for a powerful rehabilitation solution.

Criminal Justice Clients

Criminal justice clients get into rehab as part of a court ruling to fulfill a part of their sentencing for a drug offense. Criminal justice clients in alcohol and drug rehabilitation frequently receive reduced penalties, fines etc. when being cooperative with drug treatment specifications enforced on them in sentencing especially naturally when successfully completing a drug treatment facility.

Self Payment

Self Payment is required when a person's insurance won't pay for the total cost of rehab or will only pay for part of it. In these situations, it may appear like a disadvantage but individuals in fact have a great deal of leverage because they can decide on whichever program they would like without the limitations from health insurance providers that so many individuals encounter. In addition, rehab facilities will frequently offer payment assistance for individuals whose only choice is self payment to help them get into rehab.


Some rehabilitation facilities will take Medicaid if the individual is not able to self pay or present some other kind of private medical insurance. Medicaid might pay for outpatient and short-term rehab inside a limited amount of programs, and in such cases individuals might want to investigate the self pay alternative and come up with up any resources they're able to to pay for a more quality rehab program that will get better results, like a long-term residential drug rehab center.

Sliding Fee Scale

A sliding fee scale can be a payment assistance option available from a number of drug rehabilitation centers in order to help clients pay for rehab where this may not have been doable originally. For instance, one client's fee for rehabilitation might be different and lower than someone else whose financial situation is better which makes them better able to spend the money for full price of rehab. Registrars take into consideration variables apart from income including number of dependents to determine the final cost and using the sliding scale.

  • Day by Day Family Services
    Day by Day Family Services is located at:

    216 Wortham Street
    Wadesboro, NC. 28170

    If you would like to contact Day by Day Family Services, you can reach them at 704-405-4265.

    Day by Day Family Services offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons With Hiv/Aids, Gays And Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, Sliding Fee Scale (Fee Is Based On Income And Other Factors)