
Drug Addiction Facts

  • Crystal meth is a more potent version of meth, and typically resembles small fragments of shiny white pebbles or rocks which can be smoked using glass pipes that are very similar to the pipes that are used to smoke crack cocaine.
  • Between 2009 and 2010, increases in Ecstasy use among high school students was apparent, with past year use among 10th graders rising from 3.7 to 4.7%.
  • A driver who is under the influence of marijuana loses the ability to "track" (stay in lane) through curves, to brake quickly, and to maintain speed and the proper distance between cars is affected.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

Drug Treatment Help Request

Fill out the form below and a counselor will get back with you to help you locate a drug addiction treatment program.

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Outpatient solutions are on the bottom end of the spectrum of rehabilitation solutions with regards to level of care, for the reason that individual is able to maintain their lifestyle in lots of ways with no commitment of needing to be in a rehabilitation program while receiving rehab services. Although this might seem perfect it may not provide the much needed change of surroundings than many people in rehab require to experience a successful rehabilitation.

Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders

Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse problems are what are recognized in the field of drug and alcohol treatment as dual diagnosis clients. These individuals must address both disorders whilst in treatment to find resolution simply because one often exacerbates the other. Fortunately, there are several drug treatment programs that can specifically hone in on the problems that persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders face in order to not simply become abstinent but mentally secure and also able to lead a much higher quality lifestyle and not feel the need to self medicate with drugs and alcohol.

Seniors/Older Adults

Seniors and older adults who struggle with drug use could have unique obstacles they must overcome when in rehab, which rehabilitation professionals within the center they decide to take part in should be keen of so that a complete recovery is achievable. So for seniors and older adults, it is prudent to decide on a center which is acquainted with helping seniors and older adults deal with the unique life and substance abuse issues that these clients face which may include a wider spectrum of solutions including medical care and so on.

Self Payment

Self Payment is necessary when someone's insurance isn't going to pay for the total cost of rehab or will only pay for part of it. In these cases, it may seem like a drawback but people in fact have a much more leverage simply because they can decide on whichever facility they would like without the limitations from health insurance companies that so many individuals face. In addition, treatment facilities will frequently provide payment assistance for individuals whose only choice is self payment to help them get into rehabilitation.


Certain treatment programs accept Medicaid when the individual is unable to self pay or present some other type of private medical health insurance. Medicaid may only pay for outpatient and short-term rehab inside a limited amount of centers, and in this instance individuals may wish to investigate the self pay alternative and drum up any resources they're able to to cover a more quality rehabilitation program which will get better results, say for example a long-term residential drug and alcohol rehab facility.

Private Health Insurance

Depending on which plan you are covered by, all private health insurance plans typically cover some sort of drug and alcohol rehab service which range from outpatient treatment to inpatient or residential drug rehabilitation centers. Individuals may have to participate in an alcohol and drug rehabilitation center that's inside their network of providers and there could be other restrictions including the amount of time their stay in rehab is covered. Individuals can pick a quality facility they like and speak with a treatment specialist to ascertain if their insurance will handle it.

Sliding Fee Scale

A sliding fee scale is a payment assistance option offered by many different drug rehab centers in order to help clients pay for rehab where this may not have been possible originally. As an example, one client's fee for rehab might be different and less than another individual whose finances are better making them better able to pay for the full expense of treatment. Registrars take into account other factors aside from income including number of dependents to determine the final cost using the sliding scale.

  • Above and Beyond Counseling PSR LLC
    Above and Beyond Counseling PSR LLC is located at:

    545 Shoup Avenue
    Idaho Falls, ID. 83402

    If you would like to contact Above and Beyond Counseling PSR LLC, you can reach them at 208-521-7225.

    Above and Beyond Counseling PSR LLC offers the following treatment services: Outpatient, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Sliding Fee Scale (Fee Is Based On Income And Other Factors)