
Drug Addiction Facts

  • When Fentanyl is administered it rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier, and when this occurs it produced not only pain relief but also produces sedation and varying levels of respiratory depression, as well as nausea, and vomiting in some cases.
  • In 2008 it was estimated that there were 1.9 million past-month cocaine users in the U.S., of which approximately 359,000 were current crack users.
  • Marijuana can affect judgment and decision making, which can lead to risky sexual behavior resulting in exposure to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

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Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Substance abuse treatment services can be obtained in many different settings with different rehab lengths and plans to accommodate the varying demands of clients with any kind of and degree of addiction. With both long and short term and both inpatient and residential programs now being included in many insurance companies, there is no need to postpone getting substance abuse treatment services for anyone who wants it.


Detoxification from drugs is really a process which can be made a lot more manageable and safely supervised when in a proper detoxification or drug treatment center. Sometimes detoxification isn't risk-free, and even with the very best of intentions individuals who undergo detoxification on their own in order to get sober might really be putting their own health as well as their lives in danger. It is usually best to look for detoxification solutions inside a professional program in order to avoid such risks as well as have a smooth progression from detoxification to treatment at a quality drug and alcohol treatment program.

Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days)

Residential long-term treatment, which lasts for more than thirty days, is definitely an option that delivers the commensurate intensity of care and appropriate environment for anyone fighting a life threatening addiction and dependency problem. Because people will stay inside a residential long-term rehab facility for approximately 120 days and even longer occasionally, these types of facilities provide all the amenities needed to make a client's feel as relaxed and amenable as it could possibly be while also providing high quality rehabilitation to enable them to overcome their addiction forever.

Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders

Individuals with co-occurring mental and drug use disorders are what are identified in the field of drug and alcohol rehab as dual diagnosis clients. These individuals must handle both disorders while in rehabilitation to find resolution because one usually triggers the other. Luckily, there are numerous alcohol and drug rehab centers that can specifically address the challenges that persons with co-occurring mental and drug abuse disorders face to enable them to not just become abstinent but mentally stable and also able to lead a much higher quality lifestyle and not want to self medicate with drugs and alcohol.

Pregnant/Postpartum Women

Pregnant and postpartum women not only require help from a high quality rehab for their own health and wellbeing but also for the wellbeing of their unborn child or for the kid they've delivered who must be appropriately cared for while they become rehabbed and as a result able to be a better mother. Rehab possibilities exist that provide them and their child with sufficient wellness services while ensuring they receive the treatment they need to become sober and be able to stay this way to become the best mother they can be.


Women need quality rehab in rehab but may also need special focus on the unique challenges they face due to their gender. Men and women not only face different and distinctive problems in daily life as a consequence of gender, but additionally may abuse drugs and alcohol for unique reasons. drug rehabilitation programs which appeal to women and the specific and unique needs that women encounter often helps enormously on the women's road to long term abstinence and a higher quality lifestyle.

Criminal Justice Clients

Criminal justice clients find their way into rehabilitation due to a court order to satisfy part of their sentencing for a drug offense. Criminal justice clients in alcohol and drug rehabilitation often receive reduced sentences, fines etc. when cooperating with alcohol and drug rehab specifications enforced with them as part of sentencing specifically naturally when successfully completing a drug and alcohol treatment program.

Other Languages

In every city in America there's someone being affected by drug use that isn't necessarily fluent in English, who may need rehabilitation in whichever language it is that they are fluent in to ensure that their needs can be catered to properly when in rehabilitation. Fortunately, there are lots of drug rehabilitation facilities who have counselors within their facility who speak other languages to make drug and alcohol rehab the best experience possible for any individual. Simply discover a quality alcohol and drug rehab program and find out if it is possible to receive treatment in other languages.

Self Payment

Self Payment is required when someone's insurance won't cover the total cost of rehab or will only pay for some of it. In these situations, it may seem like a drawback but individuals really have a great deal of leverage because they can choose whichever program they would like without the limitations from health insurance providers that so many individuals face. Likewise, rehabilitation programs will frequently offer payment assistance for individuals whose only choice is self payment to enable them to get into rehab.


Certain rehabilitation programs accept Medicaid when the individual is not able to self pay or present some other type of private health care insurance. Medicaid might pay for outpatient and short-term treatment within a limited amount of facilities, and in this case individuals may want to investigate the self pay option and come up with up any resources they're able to to pay for a more quality rehabilitation center which will produce better results, such as a long-term residential drug treatment center.


Medicare recipients can seek rehabilitation at alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities which deliver either inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation if the program is in the network of Medicare-participating providers and with the authorization of their Medicare appointed physician, who must help out with establishing the person's rehab plan. Inpatient services are provided through Medicare Part A, with out of pocket costs being exactly like any other kind of hospital stay, and outpatient rehab being covered through Medicare Medicare Part B.

Private Health Insurance

Depending on which program you are covered by, all private medical insurance plans typically cover some sort of drug rehabilitation service ranging from outpatient rehab to inpatient or residential drug and alcohol treatment centers. Individuals could possibly have to participate in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center that is within their network of providers and there may be other restrictions for example how long their stay in rehabilitation is covered. Individuals can pick a quality facility they prefer and speak with a rehab counselor to determine if their insurance will take care of it.

Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare)

Military insurance including VA and Tricare does cover the expense of particular substance abuse rehabilitation solutions. Detox services, outpatient and inpatient programs and also partial hospitalization are all covered by military insurance, although military members may require pre-authorization in which case they can liaise with their VA or Tricare consultant. There could be some limitations about how much time a stay in inpatient drug rehabilitation is allowed, and all of these questions can be answered before beginning treatment so that it is clear how much time and individual can remain in the rehab facility of choice.

Sliding Fee Scale

A sliding fee scale is a payment assistance possibility provided by a number of drug treatment facilities in order to help clients pay for treatment where this may not have been possible originally. For instance, one client's fee for treatment could possibly be different and less than another individual whose finances are better which makes them better able to pay the full expense of rehabilitation. Registrars take into account additional circumstances in addition to income including amount of dependents to determine the final cost using the sliding scale.

  • Womens and Childrens Center for
    Womens and Childrens Center for is located at:

    1027 Evergreen Street
    Fairbanks, AK. 99709

    If you would like to contact Womens and Childrens Center for, you can reach them at 907-451-8164.

    Womens and Childrens Center for offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Detoxification, Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days), Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Criminal Justice Clients, Other Languages
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare), Sliding Fee Scale (Fee Is Based On Income And Other Factors)