
Drug Addiction Facts

  • Regular use of marijuana has been found to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract due to the irritants and carcinogens contained in marijuana smoke.
  • There are different types of inpatient treatment facilities such as hospital based, wilderness, faith based 12-step vs. non-12-step, long-term extended care, adult or adolescent and gender.
  • The disadvantage of an inpatient rehab program is, obviously that clients have to live at the center rather than at home. Although this can be helpful in terms of getting support, patients usually need to take a leave of absence from their jobs and will only see their families on designated visiting days while they are in rehab.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

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Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders

Persons with co-occurring mental and drug abuse disorders are what are identified in the field of alcohol and drug treatment as dual diagnosis clients. These clients must handle both disorders when it's in rehab in order to find resolution because one typically exacerbates the other. Luckily, there are many drug treatment programs who can specifically hone in on the issues that persons with co-occurring mental and drug use issues face so that they can not merely become sober but mentally secure and also able to lead a much higher quality lifestyle and never want to self medicate with drugs and alcohol.

Persons With HIV/AIDS

Persons with HIV/AIDS who may need drug abuse rehab will usually require solutions beyond what a traditional drug rehab center can deliver. Due to the fact extensive healthcare solutions will often be an integral aspect of the physical recovery process for addicts with HIV/AIDS, who most likely have experienced a progression and worsening of the disease because of their addiction, it is important that these clients obtain the medical treatment needed in conjunction with any rehab services for drug use problem.

Gays and Lesbians

It is important that gays and lesbians receive excellent treatment services in a rehab setting that's discreet and with rehab specialists at their disposal who understand the unique problems that they have to deal with in life. Because substance abuse for gays and lesbians might be triggered by the challenges they face because of their sexual preference, a program which can help them handle these issues and give them the confidence they may have lacked before arriving in rehabilitation could be a crucial part of treatment for gay and lesbian clients.

Seniors/Older Adults

Seniors and older adults who have a problem with drug use might have unique challenges they must conquer when in treatment, which rehab specialists within the rehab they choose to be a part of have to be keen of in order that a complete recovery is achievable. So for seniors and older adults, it is wise to decide on a program that is familiar with helping seniors and older adults tackle the unique life and drug abuse problems that these clients face which may include a broader spectrum of services including medical treatment and the like.

Criminal Justice Clients

Criminal justice clients find their way into treatment as part of a court order in order to meet a part of their sentencing for any drug offense. Criminal justice clients in alcohol and drug rehab frequently receive reduced sentences, fines etc. when being cooperative with alcohol and drug rehab requirements enforced on them as part of sentencing specifically of course when successfully completing a drug rehabilitation program.

Self Payment

Self Payment is needed when someone's insurance won't cover the entire cost of rehabilitation or will only cover some of it. In these instances, it may seem like a disadvantage but individuals in fact have a great deal of leverage due to the fact they can decide on whichever facility they would like without the restrictions from health insurance companies that so many men and women encounter. In addition, rehab centers will often offer payment assistance for individuals whose only choice is self payment to enable them to get into rehabilitation.


Certain rehabilitation facilities accept Medicaid if the individual is not able to self pay or present another form of private health care insurance. Medicaid might cover outpatient and short-term rehab in a limited amount of facilities, and in such cases individuals might want to explore the self pay option and come up with up any resources they can to pay for a more quality treatment facility that will produce better results, say for example a long-term residential alcohol and drug rehab facility.


Medicare recipients can receive rehab at drug rehabilitation programs which provide either inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation if the center is in the network of Medicare-participating providers and with the consent of their Medicare appointed physician, who must assist in establishing the individual's treatment strategy. Inpatient solutions are covered through Medicare Part A, with out of pocket costs being similar to any other type of hospital stay, and outpatient rehab being paid for through Medicare Medicare Part B.

Private Health Insurance

Depending on which program you are covered by, all private medical health insurance plans generally cover some kind of drug and alcohol treatment service ranging from outpatient treatment to inpatient or residential drug rehab centers. Individuals might have to take part in a drug rehab center that's in their network of providers and there could be other limitations including the length of time their stay in rehab is covered. Individuals can choose a good facility they prefer and consult with a rehabilitation specialist to ascertain if their insurance will handle it.

  • Turning Point CRCF
    Turning Point CRCF is located at:

    820 Toms Creek Road
    Hopkins, SC. 29061

    If you would like to contact Turning Point CRCF, you can reach them at 803-647-1152.

    Turning Point CRCF offers the following treatment services: Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons With Hiv/Aids, Gays And Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Criminal Justice Clients
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance