
Drug Addiction Facts

  • Emergency room visits involving a prescription stimulant rose from 13,379 in 2005 to 31,244 just five years later, according to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. ER visits by those 18-25 nearly quadrupled in that time, to 8,148. The number of visits caused by non-prescribed use of the stimulants rose to half.
  • Withdrawing from Fentanyl is very similar to that of heroin and it can be very uncomfortable and painful.
  • It is estimated that about 300 stroke cases involving young adults each year are associated with acute cocaine use.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

Drug Treatment Help Request

Fill out the form below and a counselor will get back with you to help you locate a drug addiction treatment program.

100% Confidential.

Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Substance abuse treatment services are available in several settings along with different treatment lengths and plans to suit the varying demands of clients with any type of and amount of addiction. With both short and long term and both inpatient and residential programs now being included in many insurance companies, there's no need to postpone getting substance abuse treatment services for anyone who wants it.


Outpatient solutions are on the bottom end of the spectrum of treatment solutions in terms of intensity of care, for the reason that individual can maintain their lifestyle in many ways with no commitment of having to stay in a rehab program while undergoing rehab services. Even if this may seem perfect it may not provide the required change of surroundings than a lot of people in treatment require to experience a successful rehab.

Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders

Persons with co-occurring mental and drug use problems are what are known in the field of alcohol and drug rehabilitation as dual diagnosis clients. These clients must address both disorders while in rehabilitation to find resolution because one usually triggers the other. Fortunately, there are numerous alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities who can specifically hone in on the problems that persons with co-occurring mental and drug use issues face so that they can not merely become sober but mentally secure and also able to lead a much better quality lifestyle and never consider it wise to self medicate with drugs and alcohol.

DUI/DWI Offenders

DUI and DWI offenders are often given the choice or ordered to treatment as a term of their sentencing. In many cases, the offender can decide which rehab facility they would like to enroll in. Upon successful completion, DUI and DWI offenders can take advantage of decreased sentencing options to be able to move ahead in their lives without having to be penalized any further.

Self Payment

Self Payment is required when a person's insurance isn't going to cover the entire cost of rehab or will only pay for part of it. In these cases, it may appear like a disadvantage but individuals actually have a much more leverage due to the fact they can decide on whichever center they want without the limitations from health insurance providers that so many people encounter. In addition, rehabilitation programs will often provide payment assistance for people whose only choice is self payment to enable them to get into rehab.

Private Health Insurance

Depending on which program you are covered by, all private health insurance plans typically cover some kind of alcohol and drug rehab service including outpatient rehabilitation to inpatient or residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities. Individuals may have to participate in a drug and alcohol treatment facility that's inside their network of providers and there could be other restrictions such as how long their stay in rehabilitation is covered. Individuals can select a good center they like and consult with a rehabilitation specialist to ascertain if their insurance will cover it.

  • First Step Services LLC
    First Step Services LLC is located at:

    3329 Chapel Hill Boulevard
    Durham, NC. 27707

    If you would like to contact First Step Services LLC, you can reach them at 919-419-0229.

    First Step Services LLC offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Dui/Dwi Offenders
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Private Health Insurance