
Drug Addiction Facts

  • In King County, Washington, there were 84 heroin related deaths in 2012, up from 49 in 2009, with all of the increase among those under 30.
  • Deaths have occurred in doctors' offices with as little as 25 mg of cocaine applied to the mucous membrane.
  • The average addict needs $200.00 per day to support his/her drug habit.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

Drug Treatment Help Request

Fill out the form below and a counselor will get back with you to help you locate a drug addiction treatment program.

100% Confidential.

Hospital Inpatient

Hospital inpatient services are available to anybody who must be safely managed through detoxification services when seriously dependent to alcohol and drugs, or who requires a broader spectrum of care such as someone who has a dual diagnosis so also needs mental health solutions during their rehab procedure. You can find both short-term and long-term hospital inpatient services offered.

Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders

Individuals with co-occurring mental and drug abuse problems are what are identified in the field of alcohol and drug treatment as dual diagnosis clients. These individuals must deal with both disorders during treatment in order to find resolution simply because one typically exacerbates the other. Luckily, there are numerous drug and alcohol treatment centers that can specifically hone in on the problems that persons with co-occurring mental and drug abuse disorders face to be able to not simply become sober but mentally secure and also able to lead a much better quality lifestyle and never want to self medicate with alcohol and drugs.

Persons With HIV/AIDS

Persons with HIV/AIDS who are in need of drug abuse treatment will usually need services beyond what a traditional drug rehab facility will be able to deliver. Because extensive medical solutions will often be an integral part of the physical process of healing for addicts with HIV/AIDS, who very likely have experienced a progression and worsening of the disease due to their addiction, it is crucial that these clients obtain the medical care required together with any rehab services for his or her drug use issue.

Gays and Lesbians

It is vital that gays and lesbians receive quality rehab services within a treatment environment that's discreet and with rehab professionals available to them who understand the unique challenges that they can experience in life. Because drug use for gays and lesbians may also be triggered because of the problems they face due to their sexual preference, a facility which will help them resolve these problems and give them the confidence they may have lacked prior to arriving in treatment is usually a crucial aspect of rehab for gay and lesbian clients.

Self Payment

Self Payment is needed when a person's insurance won't cover the entire cost of rehabilitation or will only cover some of it. In these cases, it may appear like a drawback but people in fact have a great deal of leverage due to the fact they can choose whichever center they would like without the restrictions from health insurance providers that so many people face. In addition, rehab centers will usually offer payment assistance for people whose only choice is self payment to enable them to get into treatment.


Certain treatment facilities accept Medicaid in the event the individual is not able to self pay or present any other form of private health insurance. Medicaid may possibly cover outpatient and short-term rehab within a limited amount of facilities, and in this instance individuals may wish to explore the self pay option and come up with up any resources they are able to to cover a more quality rehab facility which will get better results, like a long-term residential drug rehabilitation program.


Medicare recipients can seek rehabilitation at alcohol and drug treatment programs which deliver either inpatient or outpatient treatment if the facility is included in the network of Medicare-participating providers and with the authorization of their Medicare appointed doctor, who must help in setting up the individual's rehab strategy. Inpatient services are provided through Medicare Medicare Part A, with up front costs being similar to any other kind of hospital stay, and outpatient treatment being paid for through Medicare Medicare Part B.

State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid)

State financed insurance other than Medicaid can be used to cover the expense of drug and alcohol treatment if other kinds of insurance or self payment are not an option. If a person doesn't have any private insurance and doesn't yet know whether they might qualify for state insurance, they can check with their Social Services office within their area to ascertain if they are and then fill out an application. Most state financed insurance will take care of both outpatient and inpatient rehab, but typically only inside the state which provides the insurance.

Private Health Insurance

Depending on which plan you are covered by, all private medical health insurance plans generally cover some type of drug treatment service ranging from outpatient rehabilitation to inpatient or residential drug treatment facilities. Individuals may have to participate in an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility that's within their network of providers and there may be other restrictions for example just how long their stay in rehabilitation is covered. Individuals can pick a quality program they like and meet with a rehabilitation counselor to ascertain if their insurance will handle it.

Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare)

Military insurance which includes VA and Tricare does cover the price of particular substance abuse rehab solutions. Detoxification services, outpatient and inpatient programs along with partial hospitalization are all covered by military insurance, although military members may require pre-authorization in which case they can liaise with their VA or Tricare consultant. There may be some restrictions concerning the length of time a stay in inpatient drug treatment is allowed, and all of these questions will be answered before you begin rehab so that it's clear the length of time and individual can remain in the rehabilitation facility of preference.

  • Comanche County Memorial Hospital
    Comanche County Memorial Hospital is located at:

    3401 West Gore Boulevard
    Lawton, OK. 73505

    If you would like to contact Comanche County Memorial Hospital, you can reach them at 580-355-8620 x6650.

    Comanche County Memorial Hospital offers the following treatment services: Hospital Inpatient, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons With Hiv/Aids, Gays And Lesbians
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare)