
Drug Addiction Facts

  • Benefits of an inpatient program are that the patient is not tempted to use drugs during therapy, and they are completely committed to eliminating distractions so that they can focus 10 percent on dealing with their addiction.
  • Inpatient drug treatment means that individuals live at the facility during their treatment. They are not allowed to leave the grounds during their stay.
  • In most children who experience negative side effects of prescription stimulants you will see decreased appetite, insomnia, headaches, stomachaches, and irritability.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

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Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Substance abuse treatment services can be obtained in a variety of settings and with different rehabilitation lengths and plans to accommodate the various demands of clients with any kind of and amount of addiction. With both long and short term and both inpatient and residential facilities now being covered by many insurance plans, there is no need to postpone getting substance abuse treatment services for anybody who desires it.

Halfway House

A halfway house is a place that allows for an easy transition when someone is newly sober on their own or has finished a drug treatment program and requires help re-acclimating to a regular lifestyle. Living in a halfway house, or sober living facility as it is sometimes called, an aspect of sentencing if someone has been found guilty of drug charges as well. If assistance is needed locating a halfway house, talk to an alcohol and drug treatment program and speak with a treatment counselor who is able to point you in the right direction.


Outpatient solutions are on the bottom end of the spectrum of rehabilitation services regarding level of care, for the reason that individual is able to maintain their lifestyle in lots of ways with no commitment of needing to stay in a rehab center while receiving rehab services. Although this may appear perfect it will not provide the required change of environment than lots of people in rehab have to have to experience a productive rehabilitation.

Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 Days Or Less)

Residential short-term rehabilitation for 30 days or less is an option which enables men and women in rehab to have the very much required change of environment needed to have a chance at remaining abstinent. Residential treatment is the premiere option because individuals can feel comfortable and at home while receiving services. Residential short-term treatment for 30 days or less may not be lengthy enough for certain individuals with more extreme addiction and dependency issues, and this should at all times be evaluated at the end of the 30 days to ascertain if more extensive treatment is required.

Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days)

Residential long-term rehab, which lasts for more than four weeks, can be an option that provides the commensurate level of care and appropriate environment for anyone fighting a life threatening addiction and dependency problem. Because individuals will continue to be in a residential long-term rehab facility for about 3-6 months and even longer occasionally, these types of facilities offer all of the amenities needed to make a client's feel as relaxed and amenable as possible while also providing quality rehabilitation to help them overcome their habit permanently.


When adolescents get involved in any kind of drug abuse, it is crucial that they receive quality care to stop the problem in its tracks so that it doesn't worsen and possibly jeopardize their future. Because adolescent drug use which continues often continues into one's adult life, mothers and fathers must continue to be vigilant and get their adolescent rehab the moment an issue is noticed in a facility which addresses adolescent drug abuse. A lot of programs which deal with adolescents supply both inpatient and residential rehab, that has been shown to be the most effective settings for rehabilitation clients of this age.

Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders

Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse issues are what are known in the field of drug and alcohol treatment as dual diagnosis clients. These clients must deal with both disorders whilst in treatment in order to find resolution simply because one usually exacerbates the other. Luckily, there are several drug treatment centers who can specifically address the challenges that persons with co-occurring mental and drug abuse disorders face so that they can not only become abstinent but mentally stable and also able to lead a much higher quality lifestyle and never consider it wise to self medicate with alcohol and drugs.

Seniors/Older Adults

Seniors and older adults who have a problem with substance abuse may have unique challenges they must overcome during rehabilitation, which rehab specialists in the program they choose to take part in should be keen of to ensure a full recovery may be possible. So for seniors and older adults, it is wise to decide on a facility that is accustomed to helping seniors and older adults handle the unique life and drug abuse problems that these clients face which may include a broader spectrum of services including medical treatment and the like.


Women need to have high quality treatment in rehab but may also need special awareness of the distinctive issues they face because of their gender. Women and men not just face varying and unique challenges in life because of gender, but in addition may abuse drugs and alcohol for completely different reasons. alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities which focus on women and the distinctive and unique needs that women face often helps enormously on a women's road to permanent sobriety and a higher quality of life.


Just as women and men encounter varying and unique challenges in life which are specific to their gender, men and women may also face unique challenges in treatment which are gender-specific, and that's why a program specifically designed with these unique needs and obstacles in mind can be very ideal for someone searching for a powerful rehabilitation solution.

DUI/DWI Offenders

DUI and DWI offenders in many cases are given the possibility or ordered to rehabilitation as part of sentencing. In many cases, the offender can choose which rehabilitation program they wish to go to. Upon successful completion, DUI and DWI offenders benefit from decreased sentencing options so that they can progress in their lives without getting penalized any more.

Criminal Justice Clients

Criminal justice clients find their way into rehabilitation due to a court order in order to meet part of their sentencing for any drug offense. Criminal justice clients in drug rehab often receive reduced penalties, fines etc. when cooperating with drug and alcohol treatment specifications enforced on them in sentencing specifically naturally when successfully completing a drug treatment center.

ASL or Other Assistance for Hearing Impaired

The hearing impaired can often be prone to alcoholism and drug abuse due to the problems that their impairment impose on them. While detection of the problem can sometimes be hard among the hearing impaired, there are ASL along with other assistance services readily available for them when drug abuse rehab is necessary. Apart from ASL, such services can include assistive listening tools and captioned video materials to ensure that deaf and hearing impaired folks are obtaining the help they require in drug and alcohol rehab.


Not all drug and alcohol rehab centers have the staff or resources to focus on the needs of Spanish speaking clientele, but fortunately there are more and more centers that are able to do so because the need for Spanish services is higher than in the past. Therapy, study data and so on are actually very often available in Spanish in both long and short terms programs which deliver inpatient or residential treatment and outpatient Spanish treatment is available too nationwide.

Self Payment

Self Payment is needed when someone's insurance won't pay for the entire cost of rehabilitation or will only cover part of it. In these cases, it may seem like a disadvantage but people really have a much more leverage due to the fact they can decide on whichever program they would like without the limitations from health insurance companies that so many individuals encounter. Likewise, rehabilitation programs will usually provide payment assistance for people whose only choice is self payment to enable them to get into treatment.


Some rehab facilities accept Medicaid in the event the individual cannot self pay or present any other form of private medical health insurance. Medicaid may possibly pay for outpatient and short-term treatment inside a limited amount of facilities, and in this case individuals may want to explore the self pay option and drum up any resources they're able to to pay for a more quality treatment facility which will produce better results, such as a long-term residential alcohol and drug treatment program.

State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid)

State financed insurance other than Medicaid may be used to cover the costs of drug treatment if other forms of insurance or self payment are not an option. When someone doesn't have private insurance and doesn't yet know if they may be eligible for state insurance, they can seek advice from their Social Services office within their area to ascertain if they are and then apply. Most state financed insurance will take care of both outpatient and inpatient rehab, but usually only in the state which provides the insurance coverage.

Private Health Insurance

Depending on which plan you are covered by, all private health insurance plans typically cover some kind of drug rehab service which range from outpatient rehabilitation to inpatient or residential drug treatment facilities. Individuals may have to participate in a drug rehabilitation program that is within their network of providers and there might be other restrictions including just how long their stay in treatment is covered. Individuals can select a quality program they like and consult with a rehabilitation specialist to ascertain if their insurance will handle it.

Sliding Fee Scale

A sliding fee scale can be a payment assistance option provided by many different drug and alcohol rehab facilities in an effort to help individuals afford treatment where this might not have been doable originally. For example, one client's fee for rehabilitation could be different and someone else whose finances are better which makes them better able to pay the full price of rehab. Registrars take into consideration variables besides income including amount of dependents to ascertain the ultimate cost using the sliding scale.

  • Bridgemark Inc
    Bridgemark Inc is located at:

    2020 Elmwood Avenue
    Warwick, RI. 2888

    If you would like to contact Bridgemark Inc, you can reach them at 401-781-2700.

    Bridgemark Inc offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Halfway House, Outpatient, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 Days Or Less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (More Than 30 Days), Adolescents, Persons With Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, Women, Men, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance, Sliding Fee Scale (Fee Is Based On Income And Other Factors)