
Drug Addiction Facts

  • Within just the first six months of 2013, 3.4 million fentanyl prescriptions were dispensed in the U.S.
  • Aside from being used in opiate maintenance programs, methadone is commonly known prescribed for the treatment of pain.
  • Heroin users eventually cease to experience feelings of pleasure from the drug, and they will have to continue taking the drug just to feel normal.

Addiction-treatment-center.jpgOnce you have decided to make a change and get help for your addiction problem, the next step is to explaore your treatment facility options. Keep in mind that there is no one-size fits all facility. The most effective way to find an appropriate treatment program that meets your particular needs is to speak with an addiction treatment professional who can assess your specific situation and give you various treatment facility options based on your exact needs. We can help you with this. Simply call our Drug Treatment Help-Line at 1-877-683-7818 and you will be connected to an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the correct treatment program for you.

Drug Treatment Help Request

Fill out the form below and a counselor will get back with you to help you locate a drug addiction treatment program.

100% Confidential.

Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Substance abuse treatment services are available in many different settings along with various treatment lengths and plans to suit the varying demands of clients with any sort of and level of addiction. With both long and short term and both inpatient and residential programs now being paid by many insurance plans, you don't have to put off receiving substance abuse treatment services for anyone who wants it.


Outpatient solutions are on the lower end of the spectrum of rehab solutions in terms of level of care, as the individual is able to maintain their lifestyle in lots of ways without the commitment of having to be in a treatment center while receiving treatment services. While this may appear perfect it will not provide the much needed change of environment than lots of people in recovery need to experience a successful rehabilitation.


When adolescents get involved in any kind of substance abuse, it is vital that they receive high quality care to halt the situation in its tracks so that it doesn't get any worse and maybe jeopardize their future. Because adolescent drug use which persists often continues into one's adult life, parents must continue to be vigilant and get their adolescent rehab the moment a problem is noticed in a program which handles adolescent substance abuse. Several programs which deal with adolescents supply both inpatient and residential rehab, that has been proven to be the perfect settings for rehab clients of this age.

DUI/DWI Offenders

DUI and DWI offenders in many cases are given the possibility or ordered to rehabilitation as part of sentencing. In many cases, the offender can decide which rehabilitation center they would like to go to. When successfully completed, DUI and DWI offenders can take advantage of reduced sentencing options in order to move forward in their lives without getting penalized further.

ASL or Other Assistance for Hearing Impaired

The hearing impaired are often predisposed to alcoholism and substance abuse due to problems that their impairment impose on them. While discovery of this problem can be hard among the hearing impaired, you'll find ASL and also other assistance services designed for them when substance abuse treatment is required. Besides ASL, such services may include assistive listening tools and captioned video resources so that deaf and hearing impaired folks are obtaining the help they need in drug and alcohol rehab.


Not all drug and alcohol treatment programs possess the staff or wherewithal to focus on the requirements of Spanish speaking clients, but fortunately there are more and more programs that will do so because the necessity for Spanish services is higher than in the past. Counselling, study information and the like are now frequently available in Spanish in both short and long terms programs which provide inpatient or residential rehabilitation and outpatient Spanish treatment is also available around the country.

Other Languages

In every city in America there is someone being affected by drug use that isn't necessarily fluent in English, who might need rehabilitation in whatever language it is that they are fluent in so that their needs may be catered to properly whilst in treatment. Thankfully, there are numerous alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs which have counselors on staff who speak other languages to make alcohol and drug treatment the most effective experience possible for anyone. Simply find a top quality alcohol and drug rehab program and inquire if it is feasible to receive rehab in other languages.

Self Payment

Self Payment is needed when someone's insurance isn't going to pay for the total cost of rehabilitation or will only cover some of it. In these instances, it may appear like a disadvantage but individuals actually have a much more leverage simply because they can choose whichever program they want without the limitations from health insurance companies that so many men and women encounter. In addition, rehab centers will frequently offer payment assistance for people whose only choice is self payment to enable them to get into rehabilitation.


Certain rehab facilities will take Medicaid if the individual is unable to self pay or present some other kind of private medical health insurance. Medicaid may only cover outpatient and short-term rehab within a limited amount of facilities, and in such cases individuals may choose to explore the self pay alternative and come up with up any resources they are able to to cover a more quality treatment program that will produce better results, like a long-term residential drug and alcohol rehab facility.


Medicare recipients can seek rehabilitation at drug and alcohol treatment programs which deliver either inpatient or outpatient treatment if the facility is in the network of Medicare-participating providers and with the approval of their Medicare appointed physician, who must help out with setting up the individual's rehab strategy. Inpatient solutions are provided through Medicare Part A, with up front costs being exactly like any other type of hospital stay, and outpatient treatment being covered through Medicare Part B.

State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid)

State financed insurance other than Medicaid may be used to cover the costs of drug and alcohol rehabilitation if other kinds of insurance or self payment are not a choice. If someone does not have any private insurance and doesn't yet know if they might be eligible for state insurance, they can seek advice from their Social Services office in their area to ascertain if they are and then fill out an application. The majority of state financed insurance will handle both outpatient and inpatient treatment, but generally only in the state which offers the insurance plan.

Private Health Insurance

Depending on which plan you are covered by, all private health care insurance plans typically cover some sort of drug rehabilitation service ranging from outpatient treatment to inpatient or residential alcohol and drug treatment facilities. Individuals may have to participate in an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility that's in their network of providers and there could be other limitations including the amount of time their stay in treatment is covered. Individuals can choose a quality program they like and speak with a treatment specialist to determine if their insurance covers it.

Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare)

Military insurance which includes VA and Tricare does cover the expense of particular substance abuse rehab services. Detox services, outpatient and inpatient centers as well as partial hospitalization are all paid for by military insurance, although military members may require pre-authorization and in that case they can speak with their VA or Tricare representative. There could be some limitations as to how much time a stay in inpatient drug rehabilitation is permitted, and every one of these questions will be answered before you begin rehabilitation so that it is clear how much time and individual can remain in the rehabilitation center of preference.

  • Ryan Rehabilitation LLC
    Ryan Rehabilitation LLC is located at:

    19586 Club House Road
    Montgomery Village, MD. 20886

    If you would like to contact Ryan Rehabilitation LLC, you can reach them at 301-258-7771.

    Ryan Rehabilitation LLC offers the following treatment services: Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Outpatient, Adolescents, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Asl Or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish, Other Languages
    Payment forms accepted: Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, State Financed Insurance (Other Than Medicaid), Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance (E.G., Va, Tricare)